Newlyn PLC

Full information about Establishment Newlyn PLC at 59 Clarke Road, Northampton, England NN1 4PL. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


59 Clarke Road, Northampton, England NN1 4PL
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Phone number:
+44 1604 620400



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Newlyn PLC

Reviews about Newlyn PLC

  • SL R
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Absolutely disgusting company, rude is an understatement! I have been trying to speak with them however they push me from pillar to post without any resolve! I paid my parking fine straight to the council and the woman agent told me "yeah so you paid that but you still owe us the full amount for that fine" how on earth does that work!? I told them no, as the council has advised that they will close the account with them and she then said "oh ok then i will put your account on hold for a week and speak with them".
    So they threaten apparent legal action, tried bullying me into paying money i have already paid and give false information to try to get me to pay.
    Scum bags!
  • Olly Jewells
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Oh, this company is a bunch of fraudsters. They backdate the letters they send out to people to pocket the fees they are harassing people with. 1st ever letter received form them on the 12th of January 2018 for unpaid parking PCN occured in January 2017 already with their charges . This letter was dated 20th of December 2017(!!!) with the deadline of 3d of January 2018 . Just imagine! They send out letter backdated with 3 weeks behind knowing already that they will chase later for extra fees, they put the expired deadline and i have no doubts it s done on purpose! As i couldn't remember which PCN was it for, it took me another 3 weeks to work it out by myself which one was it, and I immediately paid it off in full. Next day after the payment was made in full including all their fees etc on the 9th of February 2018 they send another letter marked as DELIVERED IN PERSON demanding the double amount from what they claimed previously for extra fees occured. And guess what? This letter delivered in person was backdated again with 2 weeks behind , to be precised dated by 26th of January. What a surprise! Rang them to find out how is that possible to receive letters in person inclusive backdated and why are they claiming the double amount after the payment settled in full including whatever their fees are , received no clear explanation at all , just answers not related to my questions like stop talkig to us in such manner etc which is usual staff training techniques to deal with irritated customers . I demanded again my questions about backdated letters to be answered instead was offered to complain in writing if I am not happy with smth . What???? really how such fraud is possible ?? unbelievable
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