Poynters Coaches (Northampton) Ltd

Full information about Establishment Poynters Coaches (Northampton) Ltd at Monarch Road, Northampton, England NN2 6EH. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Monarch Road, Northampton, England NN2 6EH
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Phone number:
+44 1604 720706



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Opening times

Monday 09:00 — 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 — 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 — 15:00
Thursday 09:00 — 15:00
Friday 09:00 — 15:00
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Images of Poynters Coaches (Northampton) Ltd

Poynters Coaches (Northampton) Ltd

Reviews about Poynters Coaches (Northampton) Ltd

  • Clark Gilkes
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Excellent company. I have been hiring coaches and drivers from Poynters for years and have always had an excellent service. Costs are very competitive and drivers always brilliant. Coaches are clean and comfortable. I am very surprised by previous reviews
  • Wahid Kaduji
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    How would you feel if the driver of a vehicle you have hired or payed approached you damaged your belongings and verbally abuses you for no reason at all?
    Driver approached a student by opening the EMERGENCY EXIT resulting in his belongings falling , including a high end laptop valued with an excess of £600. It resulted in a large crack in the chassis of the laptop which could be inflicting damage on the cooling capabilities and it could be causing excessive, strenuous force on the hard drive which could end with the loss of all his coursework plus, end up with the student to finish education without any qualifications. The driver in question proceeded to claim he had no wrongdoing which he protested with vulgar, offensive language and manner.

    Furthermore, I would like to add that this company advertises themselves as 'Air conditioned coaches for all ocasions' despite us having a vehicle without AC. In addition they have had 2 years to fix the fault yet, nothing still has not been done.

    A final issue, is of the condition of the vehichles since in most cases have issues of which would be detremental to being safe for other road users. Most recently, we have been experiencing an issue in which the vehicle looses all power and then comes to a halt. This issue has been persistent and has caused us to stop in the middle of A roads and single tracks alike. Despite the ongoing issue being so dangerous. 'Poynter's' still have ceased to even look into the vehicle. Due to this I would never recommend a company that puts passengers, customers and other road users at such an extreme risk.

    If you would like to be treated with at least the littlest of respect and not be put in peril danger on a daily basis, DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY FOR YOUR OWN SAKE.
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